Sunday, March 13, 2011

Our Feel Good Wall

  1. Look at our 'Firth Family Learning Tree'.  
  2. Who has shown their Firth Values recently?
  3. Make a note of their awesome actions on our Feel Good Wall.


molly said...

hi mr mitchell
I posted a feel good comment to you
i hope you like it

aymeer said...

Hi Mr r u today im great hope to see u tomorrow.see u later

Mr. M. said...

Your comment was bang on Molly! Well, I feel really good now. See you next week.

Mr. M. said...

I'm great today Aymee. I have just been preparing some great learning for next week! Click on the maths page for a sneak peek. See you then.

aymeer said...

hi everyone

Anonymous said...

hey mr.m im at the libary on the our blog

molly said...

Hi mr mitchell
I fink that the feel good wall is a great thing to have